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Polyglot Club


Hello and welcome to Polyglot Club!

The place where you can practice your language skills with native speakers and other learners like you for free.


So how does it work?

Well, quite simply really. Every week we will have 3 different languages available. English will always be there, as well as 2 other languages such as French, Chinese, Russian and more. Depending on your comfort level, you can choose between having a one on one chat with a native speaker or participate in a group discussion. It's completely up to you. And to our guest speakers too, of course.



Polyglot Club is not a language class. It's a free space for people to practice their language skills in a friendly and comfortable


So join us every Friday afternoon from … to … and polish up those language skills. See you soon!


Also, if you are interested in practicing a specific language, let us know and we'll try our best to dedicate one week to this language.



MAJ 2024

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